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sutherland shire
Sutherland Shire

Photos of the beautiful Woronora river

Click here for a photgraphic tour of upper reaches of the Woronora river

Travelling details

Catch the bus from Sutherland to Prince Edward Park (located opposite to Star Boatshed).
For the latest bus route information ring the Connex bus company on 9540 2277 or visit their web site at http://www.connexnsw.com.au

Walk from Sutherland station
Walk the 2 km track from Sutherland station to Star Boatshed via Woronora cemetery and Prince Edward Park.
(Warning, people have told us that "there are a lot more steps walking up to the station than there are walking down!")

131 Prince Edward Park Rd,

Woronora NSW Australia 2232

Phone: 9545 2584
OPEN 5 days Wed-Sun 8:30am - 6:00pm